Preparing for Extreme Weather Events due to climate change

Preparing for Extreme Weather Events

Surviving the Storm: Climate Change, Extreme Weather, and Practical Preparedness It’s no surprise that preparing for extreme weather events pops up as one of the most important fears related to climate change. Everyone can witness increase in extreme weather events such as hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and wildfires. Those who had such experience know that natural disasters …

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Best Survival Multi-tools: Top 10 Reviewed

Best Survival Multi-tools

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Survival Multi-Tool The importance survival multi-tools cannot be overstated. When it comes to survival, having the right tools can make all the difference. And if you’re looking for a multi-tool to add to your kit, there are plenty of options available. But with so many different types, features, …

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Urban Survival 101: Surviving in the city

urban survival_surviving the city

Navigating the Concrete Jungle with Confidence Urban Survival is a topic that has gained significant attention in recent years. In today’s world, we need to be prepared for anything, including navigating the urban jungle. Cities present unique challenges and dangers, and it’s important to know how to survive and thrive in them. In this post, …

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How Climate Change Impacts Survival Preparedness

Climate Change Survival Preparedness

Surviving the Storm: Adapting Survival Strategies in the Face of Climate Change Climate change has brought about a wave of natural disasters, causing immense destruction and loss of life. As humans, we cannot stop the forces of nature, but we can adapt and learn to survive. With each passing year, the frequency and intensity of …

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Creating a Family Emergency Plan – A Comprehensive Guide

Family Emergency Plan

A Step-by-Step Guide for Preparedness and Peace of Mind Disaster can strike at any time, and oftentimes, when we least expect it. That is why having a comprehensive family emergency plan in place is essential for any household. In the event of an emergency, having a plan in place will help you and your loved …

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The Ultimate Emergency Survival Checklist

Emergency Survival Checklist

Prepare for Any Disaster – Your Complete Guide to Emergency Supplies Disasters can strike at any time and in any form, whether it be a natural disaster like a hurricane, earthquake, or tornado, or a human-made disaster such as a terrorist attack or power outage. While we hope that we will never have to use …

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Building Survival Shelter 101

Building Survival Shelter

How to Build a Survival Shelter in the Wilderness: A Comprehensive Guide When you’re in the wilderness, survival becomes your top priority. One of the most important things to consider when you’re out in the wild is finding or building a shelter. A shelter can help protect you from the elements, keep you warm, and …

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What is Pemmican Made from, Exactly?

Dried beef

There are a lot of foods that you can choose from when you are planning to prepare food that you can store. And if you are not familiar with it, pemmican should be on the top of your list. This superfood is quite popular because it is known to be highly nutritious, which means it …

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How to Build a Prepper Pantry

Prepper pantry

If you are just a beginner prepper, then there are a lot of things that you should prepare for, and one of them would be your pantry. You want to have a plan for this so that you can easily figure out the things that you need to buy and the things that you need …

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What Parts of Cattails are Edible?


Have you ever seen cattails being sold in the market or just on the field, and you wondered if you can actually eat them? There are actually a lot of parts of cattail that you can use in the kitchen. There are a lot of native Americans that regularly get cattails so they can use …

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